

2017-12-09 殷余民 APAPA俄亥俄

“克利夫兰基金会”成立于1914年,是世界上第一家社区基金会,现在开始接受2018-19年度Cleveland Foundation Public Service Fellowship申请,为2016-2018年毕业的大学提供12个月的全职公共服务(Public Service)领域工作机会,分配在指定的政府部门工作,包全年工资、医疗保险、和单人个性化辅导,为有志于公共服务事业的青年领袖提供一个启动平台,帮助他们培养所需的能力和建立一个职业上的关系网络,以实现他们对社区建设的理想。申请截止日期为2018年2月20日。


Cleveland Foundation Public Service Fellowship面向2016年春季至2018年春季获得本科学位的大学毕业生。如果你认识有志于公共服务的年轻人,请与他们分享这个机会!申请详情如下(英文)。

Cleveland Foundation Public Service Fellowship 到底是啥东东?

The Cleveland Foundation, the world’s first community foundation, launched the year-long Cleveland Foundation Public Service Fellowship program in spring 2016 to offer emerging young leaders from across the country the experience, networks, skills and support needed to launch a successful career in public service.

The program includes:

  • A 12-month, full-time paid placement at a selected public sector agency in Cleveland, providing meaningful career-related work experience. The fellowship includes a $31,000 salary with health benefits.

  • Participation in professional development that prepares Fellows for 21st century public service, administered by Cleveland Foundation staff and professionals with expertise in their fields.

  • A small cohort with individualized coaching, supervision and support.

  • Immersion in the rich civic and cultural life of Cleveland, with first-hand opportunities to network and connect with a diverse array of senior leaders, organizations, and community members.


Each Fellow will be matched with a public sector agency with a supportive corporate culture and a commitment to providing opportunities to develop leadership and innovation. In addition to potential placements within local government, selected public service agencies may also include those which provide a range of public goods and services, such as education, healthcare, housing, transportation and water. 2018-19 host sites will be listed once selection is finalized.


  • 2016年春季至2018年春季获得本科学位的大学毕业生。College graduates who earned their undergraduate degrees between spring 2016 and spring 2018. A wide range of degrees, including liberal arts and those pertaining to more technical and/or specialized areas of study, are welcomed.

  • 美国公民、绿卡、或者有工作许可。U.S. citizens, permanent residents or individuals who are eligible to work in the U.S. for the duration of this program.

  • “克利夫兰基金会”工作人员的家属、亲戚不可以申请。They cannot be a relative of a member of the Cleveland Foundation staff or the foundation’s Board of Directors.


Applications will be accepted from December 4, 2017 through February 20, 2018, at https://www.clevelandfoundation.org/about/fellowship/ (点击最下面的“阅读原文”可直接进入链接)。时间表如下:


February 20 – Application deadline

March 29-30* – Semi-finalist Skype interviews

April 23-24* – Finalist interviews in Cleveland 

May 7 – Fellows selection

September 5* – Fellowship begins

*Candidates must be available on these dates 


“I cannot say enough good things about this fellowship program. Between the unparalleled professional opportunities and experiences, the networking opportunities, built-in professional development, year-long mentoring, and a fantastic support system from both Cleveland Foundation staff and the fellowship cohort, I cannot imagine a better first step for anyone to experience in their careers.”

– Katie Brennan, 2016-17 Cleveland Foundation Public Service Fellow




根据《经济学人》在2005年进行的研究显示,克利夫兰与匹兹堡同列美国最佳居住城市。该市亦为美国本土最佳商务会议城市。当地居民称为 Clevelanders。该市的外号包括森林城、西储都会(Metropolis of the Western Reserve)、摇滚世界之都(The Rock 'n' Roll Capital of the World)、以及C城(C-Town)等。克利夫兰是一座体育名城,有职业篮球、棒球和橄榄球队;其中,克利夫兰骑士队(Cleveland Cavaliers)尤其出名,著名球星“小皇帝”詹姆斯就在这打球,获得2016年NBA总冠军!


Cleveland is among 21 destinations cited by the magazine in its December/January issue, and one of just three in the United States. Other destinations on the list: Madagascar; Dublin, Ireland; Oaxaca, Mexico; plus San Antonio, Texas, and Oahu, Hawaii in the United States.

The destinations are divided into three categories: Cities, Nature and Culture. Cleveland is one of seven entries in the Culture category.

The entry on Cleveland begins: "Onion-domed churches and cold-brew cafes on streets a-flicker with gas porch lights might summon images of Krakow or Budapest. But this is Cleveland. The big-boned Ohio city built by Eastern European immigrants and Midwestern moxie ripples with new cultural energy."





Cleveland Foundation’s Commitment to Diversity

The Cleveland Foundation exists to enhance the quality of life for all citizens of Greater Cleveland.  The ability to carry out our mission and to foster a commitment to excellence can best be pursued if our workforce, grantees, donors, partners and governing body include individuals of diverse backgrounds, beliefs and perspectives.

The foundation, in partnership with its host sites, is committed to ensuring diversity and inclusion across all of Cleveland’s public sector agencies by using this fellowship as a catalyst for developing a pipeline of future leaders for Northeast Ohio.

Meet the Current Cohort of Fellows

Meet the current cohort of fellows, and learn more about the program, eligibility requirements and application process by visiting www.ClevelandFoundation.org/Fellowship. (点击“阅读原文”进入链接)

2017 - 2018 Fellows


2016 - 2017 Fellows


小问题: 谁知道这里的"fellow"怎么翻译成中文?小编们讨论半天,找不到合适的中文。“实习生”、”见习生“、”研究员“都似是而非。高人们请留言指点,谢谢!

APAPA Ohio 部分近期文章

我的难忘经历 – 参加Beyond Our Boundaries青年峰会

拒绝非法监视,保障亚裔权益 - 谈《FISA修正案》年底前的再授权

食在克村: Chagrin Falls的餐厅


关于APAPA Ohio 公众号

APAPA Ohio公众号是APAPA Ohio在俄亥俄华人协会(Ohio Chinese American Association, OCAA)的支持下办的公众号,旨在为俄亥俄的亚裔群体、尤其是华人群体提供一个信息分享、交流、互助的平台,宣传APAPA Ohio、OCAA和其他有关团体的活动,和促进亚裔社区对美国社会、政治、文化、教育、法律等的了解。


APAPA的全名是Asian Pacific Islander American Public Affairs Association (美国亚太联盟),是一个民间群众团体,是在美国联邦政府注册的501(c)(3)非营利组织。APAPA专注于通过教育、参与和领导能力的培养,提高亚太裔在美国参政、议政的意识和能力。APAPA于2001年在加州由著名亚裔领袖尹集成创立,目前在全国各地有4万名会员,通过其实习生项目培养了数百名亚裔青年领袖,通过组织各种草根层面的选民教育、领导力培训,推动在本地、州一级到联邦一级的亚裔参政议政,促进了数十名亚裔当选为联邦、州一级的官员。网址:apapa.org




俄亥俄华人协会(Ohio Chinese American Association, OCAA)是2016年由俄亥俄华人以全美2.20挺梁活动的组织者、参与者为骨干成立的非营利组织,旨在团结俄亥俄的华人,以及华人社区的朋友,鼓励大家积极参与美国社会的各项社会活动,包括参政议政、社区服务、相互支持,提高对美国社会一员的权利和义务的认识,并行使相应的权利、履行相应的义务。网址:OhioCAA.org。







